The Pull For Hearts Sporting Clays Event is geared towards having fun in a relaxed environment. Any first time & seasoned shooter will enjoy themselves at our event. We’re offering prizes to our top teams & individuals through Lewis Class Scoring.
Our event takes place September 16, 2017, the First Annual Pull For Hearts Sporting Clays Event at the Howard County Izaak Walton League in Kokomo, IN.
This year all proceeds from this event will be donated to the IU- Cavopulmonary Assist Research Fund or “The Fontan Blood Pump”. Right now, you might be wondering, “What is the Cavopulmonary Assist Device or ‘The Fontan Blood Pump’?”
The Fontan Blood Pump is a life-saving device currently under development by Dr. Mark D. Rodefeld, MD of Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, IN. This life-saving device is currently being developed for children & adults living with a single ventricle heart defect. Single ventricle heart defects renders patients to live with half of a heart. The only surgical option available is not corrective surgery but three stages of palliative surgeries. Currently, half of the children undergoing these surgeries will be in heart failure by adulthood and it is expected these surgeries will eventually fail. Once these surgeries fail the only alternative is a heart transplant, if available. Even though transplants themselves can be life-saving, recipients trade one set of problems for another. The average survival for these patients is 5 years.
What Can You Do?
Participate! Invite for your family & Friends! Spread the word! Share our website, Facebook Page “Pull For Hearts Sporting Clays” & our event!]
Each participant, donor, & sponsor insures this event will be a success! If you can help us get the “word” out about our event! The greater the number of people who participate equals a larger donation to “The Fontan Blood Pump” which means saving local children’s and adults of Indiana but also worldwide!
We hope to continue this event annually to support our local children’s hospitals and support networks for families and patients living with congenital heart defects in Indiana.
If you have any questions or need further information, please visit the “Contact” page or email