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Kokomo Schools FREE offering “take-away” lunches for children at “Open” sites

FREE “take-away” lunches for children at “Open” sites
The Board of School Trustees has approved the participation of the Kokomo School Corporation
in the Howard County Summer Food Service Program each Monday from June 8 th through July
6 th , 2020 at two OPEN sites at Carver Community Center and Garden Square Community Center.
Kokomo Schools Food Services Department officials will be providing “take-away” 5-lunch
meal packages EACH Monday this summer from June 8 th through July 6 th to ALL Howard
County children, ages 18 and under, at NO charge.

Families may pick up these “take-away” 5-lunch meal packages for their children at either
OPEN Summer site. These lunch meal packages are available to ALL children, 18 and
under, regardless of which school district the child resides. Each person will need to record
the names of the children receiving the 5-lunch meal packages, but children need not be

At Garden Square Apartments, 900 E. Firmin Street, next door to Inventrek, distribution of
the lunch meal packages will take place from 11 am to 1 pm each Monday from June 8 th
through July 6 th in front of the Garden Square community building. Volunteers will be
helping direct traffic while providing directions to the pick-up site.
At Carver Community Center, 1030 N. Purdum Street, distribution of the lunch meal
packages will take place from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm each Monday from June 8 th through July
6 th . Adults are asked to park in the Carver parking lot and proceed to Door 4, where tables
will be set up with available lunch meal packages.

Again, lunch meal packages containing five lunches at NO charge will be available to ALL
Howard County children, ages 18 and under, each MONDAY from June 8 th through July 6 th
at both Garden Square Community Center and Carver Community Center.
This federally funded Summer Food Service Program is operated by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and is administered by the Indiana Department of Education. Kokomo School
Corporation officials noted that more than 14 million children nationally depend on free or
reduced-price lunches during the school year, and that this need for good nutrition is critical for
children to have a safe and productive summer.

Kokomo Schools officials wish to emphasize that this Howard County Summer Food Service
Program is FREE to ALL children 18 years of age or under. This program also is OPEN and
FREE to children from any school corporation. No discrimination is allowed in the course of this
meal service.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil
rights regulations, and Kokomo School Corporation policies, prohibits this “take-away” lunch
meal package program from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. The policy of the Indiana Department of Education is not to discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, in its programs, activities, or employment
policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Law (I.C. 22-9-1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights
Act of 1964), the Equal Pay of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments, Section 504
(Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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