In this time of crisis, there are many people who need help. There are also those who want to help.
We are collecting a list of the nonprofit organizations in Kokomo. How can they help you and how can you help them. This list will be updated as often as possible.
The United Way and the Howard and Tipton County Board of Commissioners have set up a Coronavirus fund. This fund will allow United Way to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations that are offering emergency relief to families and individuals in need and working with unbudgeted expenses related to COVID-19.
Then text ACCESS to 85511 Or call 765-457-HELP(4357)
If you’d like to know what resources are available, check out the Search United pages for self service
United Way is STILL collecting funds for the Buddy Bags program in order to directly address childhood food insecurity. Donate here.
Find more info on the United Way Serving Howard & Tipton Counties Facebook page here.
If you are looking for the most up to date information related to COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, please visit the following health department websites, here.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call 317-233-7125 during business hours or 317-233-1325 after hours.
To protect the health of the entire community, we have temporarily suspended all walk-in services including Tax Prep the United Way until March 30. If you are in need of assistance or have questions, please call us 765-457-4357.

In this time of crisis, we continue to work with individuals and families experiencing homelessness and keep many from becoming homeless. The staff of CAM will continue to work and the CAM payees will still have the help of the Representative Payee to help manage their money.
CAM has faced the challenge of canceling one of our most significant annual fundraising and awareness events, the Grate American Sleepout, as well as our annual Nelson’s Chicken Lunch fundraiser that was scheduled to occur on Wednesday April 22nd. Without the March and April Fund Raisers, we are in dire need of financial support to get us through the next few months. We can only do what we do with the help of generous partners like you.
If you slept in a bed last night or if you have a place to call home, please consider making a donation to impact the life of a family or individual who may not have access to these things.
Please mail donations to:
CAM, Inc
P.O. Box 523
Kokomo, IN 46903
The Kokomo Rescue Mission is in need of your donations to help continue providing food and shelter.
Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Howard County Commissioner has listed the Kokomo Rescue Mission as an essential service which will remain open (subject to further order) providing safe and sober housing to men, women and children, serving them three meals a day along with meeting their physical needs. Currently they are offering Grab and Go meals to the food insecure in our community daily at 12:00 pm-12:30 pm & 4:30 pm-5:00 pm from the concessions stand in our parking lot. Grocery Sack Assistance is also available on Wednesday – 10:00 am-11:00 am & 2:00 pm-3:00 pm (photo ID required, 1 bag per household per week).
Please consider standing with the mission as they continue to provide services for the hungry and homeless by making a donation here.
The Kokomo Humane Society needs small bags of dry dog and cat food for the community food banks. Bring them to the shelter at leave them at the door on Hoffer Street. You can also purchase food online & have it shipped to:
Kokomo Humane Society
729 E Hoffer St
Kokomo, IN 46902
If you need pet food, please call 765-452-6224
You can also send a check to the Kokomo Humane Society or donate online here.
Four County is excited to offer virtual support groups to all frontline workers. We appreciate every frontline worker and recognize the daily sacrifices that are made to keep the Howard County community safe. With the support and funding provided by the Community Foundation of Howard County, Four County will start facilitating virtual support groups utilizing the ZOOM video conferencing platform. Sessions would be hosted by Whitney Merrell, a behavioral health provider employed by Four County, who will provide support, education and resources to these individuals to increase well-being and access to needs and services.
Compassion Fatigue
Depressive Symptoms
Possible Triggers
Substance Abuse Education
Front Line Support
DATE: Every Monday (starting April 13)
TIME: 9:00AM and 6:00PM
The American Red Cross is in desperate need of blood and for people to host blood drives. If you’re interested in donating blood, click here for a list of upcoming Howard County Blood Drives.
They also need large sites (think gyms, churches, box stores) to donate space to host blood drives. This time of year high schools and colleges supply most of the blood. Since they are closing, there is a huge need.
Donations are critical. This makes sure seniors have someone to call and check on them and address critical needs.
Students/Individuals/groups are needed to send cards to seniors used to getting a card a month through our school Adopt-A-Grandparent program. Call 765.453.7611 to coordinate.
The seniors we help, who are normally at-risk for social isolation, are even more at risk now. The National Institute of Mental Health notes that depression caused by isolation can increase a person’s chance of stroke by 73%!
And, according to the National Council on Aging, 1 in 4 older Americans experience some form of mental health issue, i.e. depression, anxiety or dementia, under normal conditions, and this is far worse than normal.
The Family Service Association of Howard County is in need of monetary donations, gift cards and stamp donations. Click here to donate.
Project Access has made numerous adjustments to protect our clients and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Until further notice, Project Access will operate as a virtual clinic providing services utilizing telemedicine video, telephone, email, and fax. Our mandate is to help our clients meet their healthcare needs. Efficiently operating virtually will maintain the health and safety of those we serve and employ. To that effect, please understand that we are working with very limited staff and will assist to the best of our ability.
Outlined below are the only three services we will provide. All other services are suspended until further notice.
- City Block Grant o This is for Kokomo residents only! Premium payments for the Healthy Indiana Plan
will be paid for up to one year. Clients will need to contact Project Access directly for further instructions on how to apply.
- Healthcare Navigation: o Navigators will provide education about healthcare plans as well as help clients apply for the Healthy Indiana Plan, Presumptive Eligibility, or the Affordable Care Act Marketplace plans (certain criteria must be met for the Marketplace).
- Medication Assistance: o Clients must have a current, valid prescription. Narcotics are NOT covered in either
medication assistance program. Clients without insurance can apply for medication assistance in two ways:
- Direct Assistance: this is for an immediate prescription need. Approval is at the discretion of the Executive Director. If approved, the prescription(s) will be filled at Herbst Pharmacy. This is a one-time assistance program. 2. Patient Assistance Program (PAP): This program is for long-term
assistance. Acceptance into the program is based on the pharmaceutical
company that manufactures the medication. Project Access does not make the decision.
Due to the special circumstances, the documents needed for the programs has changed. All programs must have the following documents:
- State-issued photo identification – this must be current. 2. Social security card 3. Proof of Howard County residence 4. Last pay stub for all household members 5. The most recent tax return (i.e., 2018 if prior to April 15th, 2020) 6. Birth certificate or passport. Clients need to email copies of these documents to complete their application(s) to either email address – OR
Again, we are operating with very limited staff so we would greatly appreciate your patience. Please contact us via:
Phone: 765-854-0544 (leave a detailed message and we will return your call asap) Fax: 1-877-540-0760 Email: OR Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates
If you would like your nonprofit organization on this list, please email

Community Resources:
Mental Health is truly a concern during this time of isolation and separation as stress and anxiety can increase.
We have compiled a list of resources for individuals.
We are also providing ideas to improve mental health during this #hunkerdownhero time on our Facebook page, Mental Health America of North Central Indiana.
Free online mental health screenings are available on our website,
Our affiliate chapter in Lafayette, MHA of Wabash Valley, is offering daily online support groups through their website
Our needs:
May is quickly approaching. May is Mental Health Month and the one time of the year that we truly fundraise to support our efforts in the region we serve. We will still be offering “sponsorship” of a “May is Mental Health Month” sign for people to show their support by placing the sign in their yard. Each sign sponsorship is $100 and the sign will be delivered on or before May 1st, and taken down by June 1st. If anyone is interested is “sponsoring” a sign, they can do so through the donation form on our website. They will simply NOTE: May Sign (include the address for the sign to be placed).