Hey Z-Besties <3
Is it just me or are these weeks flying by?? Maybe it’s the sunny days we’ve had after all the crazy storms we had to endure! This week was all. Over. the. Place. First and foremost, Happy Easter! I hope you had a great Holiday with friends and family! What was your favorite part of the day? My family and I all ended up in folding chairs, sitting outside in the front yard enjoying the sunshine and conversation, that definitely was my highlight! It was also my younger brother’s birthday yesterday! So, to celebrate I took both my brother and sister to a Chicago Cubs Game on Friday! It was the first time I was the “adult” at something as major as that! We got such great seats and it was his very first MLB Game! My whole family are major Cubs fans (NORTHSIIIDE 🐻❤️💙). It was a beautiful day, so beautiful in fact that I ended up sunburnt! Just on one cheek… Not sure how that works but here we are 😂 Have you ever been to a MLB game? Who was your first? After the Cubs game, we were so tired! We didn’t do much else and I was grateful for that lol All in all, it ended up being a great weekend spent at home with family, lots of laughs and plenty of memories were made! Did you find any Easter Eggs this weekend? Even though my cousins and I are all older, the Easter Bunny never skips our yard! Things get a little intense… tackling is on the table so you can fill in the blanks with how that went! 🙂 How was your holiday weekend? What was your favorite part? Although I was a little tired come Monday, I wouldn’t have traded this past weekend for all the sleep in the world!
Until next time!