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CAM needs your help!

Due to Coronavirus, Coordinated Assistance Ministries needs your help

As CAM follows guidelines that have been set forth by local public health officials and community leaders to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, we are working diligently to continue to serve the community while keeping clients, staff, and our volunteers in good health.

In this time of crisis, we continue to work with individuals and families experiencing homelessness and keep many from becoming homeless.  The staff of CAM will continue to work and the CAM payees will still have the help of the Representative Payee to help manage their money.

CAM has faced the challenge of canceling one of our most significant annual fundraising and awareness events, the Grate American Sleepout,  as well as our annual Nelson’s Chicken Lunch fundraiser  that was scheduled to occur on Wednesday April 22nd. Without the March and April Fund Raisers, we are in dire need of financial support to get us through the next few months.  We can only do what we do with the help of generous partners like you.

If you slept in a bed last night or if you have a place to call home, please consider making a donation to impact the life of a family or individual who may not have access to these things.

Please mail donations to:

CAM, Inc

P.O. Box 523

Kokomo, IN 46903

or donate online at using PayPal.

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